A lovely, QUIET, uneventful weekend of no beeping. Connor continued to drink a minimum of 80 ozs a day and Leucovorin every 6 hours. His MTX is 0.12 still. No change once again. Until he has no trace of mtx we can't start the next round. We are hoping for Monday now. (Not that I really want to do this again, but we have three more rounds and I kinda want it over with!) We'll go back to the clinic on Thursday for new numbers, likely a COVID test, and a slight chance of blood. On a positive note, his creatinine is still 1, his platelets went back up, his ANC is close (720), and while is hemoglobin is holding at 7.4, they confirmed with a retic (reticulocyte) count that he is in fact able to make red his own red blood cells, so they are still holding off on the transfusion. He is showing no other signs, so no danger of waiting at this point. So hopefully the rest of the week will stay quiet, and Connor can get caught up on school work for the end of the marking period.