Jan 17

MTX has dropped to .27, but not there yet. I came up to the hospital for breakfast, and Connor and I played several card games. He's acquired some mouth sores so he was fairly uncomfortable, some Tylenol and destraction helped.
His Hemoglobin dropped to 7.6, so they wanted to give him two units of blood while he was here, but had to time it carefully around the three hour Leucovorin.
I came home to walk and make dinner, Kirk came up to spend the day with Connor after soccer. (Kaylea is at a friend's today, the only one she sees anymore!)
They got the blood started and Connor immediately felt itchy and got (thankfully!) a single hive. 
They obviously stopped the transfusion and gave him a hefty dose of benedryl. 
He's resting now.
They may try again tomorrow, but start with the benedryl before the blood!
Never a dull moment, that's for sure!


  1. Who would have thought getting blood would give one hives! Thank goodness for Benadryl! Hope you all get some rest tonight and that tomorrow Connor gets better results❤

  2. You are masters of distraction, and an amazing team! Thinking of the pics here on this page - I hope Connor finds a patch of sunshine to bring him out of these complications. Love and best wishes ❤🙏❤🙏❤

  3. Wow - never a dull moment - you are right ... although I think a dull moment would be a blessing right now. Sending love, hugs, and prayers. 💕 K/C/M/L


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