January 14

Connor was still feeling pretty nauseous this morning so they added Ativan to his zofran, and he went right back to sleep. They doubled the amount of Leucovorin today to help excrete the MTX. Number is down to 2.3, but needs to below 0.1 before he can go home. The doctor is doubting he'll be discharged before Monday at this point. 
He did mention that just because he reacted this way this time, doesn't mean he'll react this way next time. Hopefully it gets easier because otherwise the next 3 treatments are going to take forever!!

He finally ate some broth for lunch today and still feels okay. First meal since breakfast yesterday.
He's resting a lot and keeping up the fluids.


  1. It's really just amazing how the doctors really have figured out such a specific regimen that works to fight this disease. Stay strong Connor! Fingers crossed for treatments 2-4 🤞❤🙏

  2. Sleep - the wonderful healer - get as much as you can. Let’s hope each treatment gets easier. Thinking of you 💕K/C/M/L


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