June 24

First of all Connor is no longer in pain, mouth is cleared up, weaning off the meds (slowly to avoid withdrawal). But Connor has lost all patience. He's still sweet and kind and trying so hard, but he's back to having two modes.... Sleeping or puking. GI was brought in today to discuss nausea and suggested abdominal breathing and getting up and moving. I don't disagree that more meds are not necessarily the answer, they so far seem to put him to sleep, but if he stands, he pukes. (Not even entirely sure the nausea and vomiting are connected, the vomiting happens very suddenly and very violently.)
Hard to walk around if you are puking.
He is positive for C diff, another infection, so another antibiotic that once again has nausea as a side effect.
Honestly don't know what makes him sick. Meds? Pseudocyst? Chemo? All of the above? Doctors don't know either.
I begged the staff to do more, that this isn't any quality of life.... Hopefully they find something.


  1. He is trying so hard. Nobody would have patience with all this after a while. Stay strong! He will get through this. Much love 💕🙏

  2. The post started so positively I was happy, but then the spin came. Dam, man! This too shall pass … but that helps no one right now! And Connor needs some relief right now! Ugh! Poor kid. I sure hope the pieces all drop into place very soon. Sending strength and patience.


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