Mar 30

Back in the clinic yesterday.  Connor had two chemos and the leg shots.  (And they found a Tiana bandaid for Connor!) 
Last week went pretty well. Sunday night Connor's blood glucose spiked, and he took the long acting Lantis overnight to bring them down. They haven't gone back to normal yet, so he continues to test before every meal and two hours after. But has otherwise managed to stay off insulin with some diet control.
He starts steroids again in one week.
Leg shots continue Wed and Friday this week.  
Kirk got his 2nd shot on Saturday, uneventfully, thank goodness. No side effects for him at all.  A welcome change from the overwhelming side effects Connor gets to deal with daily! 
He takes at least three additional medications to counter the side effects of the steroids and leg shots.
Otherwise Connor's numbers are all looking good. His ANC is remaining high, hemoglobin and platelets are up, and the WBC is up (directly linked to steroids). He's been tired and having trouble concentrating though, so another fun side effect!
Still just taking things one day, one week, one phase at a time.


  1. Keep up the good work Team Connor. Sounds like you are being rewarded with some good numbers, but so sorry Connor also has to be conquering side-affects! :-( Love the band-aid theme!! They say laughter is the best medicine :-) D&G

  2. Such a challenging time for all of you. Connor suffers the side effects physically and mentally while you, Kirk and Kaylea feel it mentally. You have the right attitude of one day at a time! 🤞that numbers remain acceptable and that diabetes is kept at bay! Love to all💕🤗

  3. Hang in there Connor through this intensity! Every day is one step closer to moving to maintenance and cure. Really hope the side effects get better at some point. Love to you all

  4. That sounded all very positive, expect for side effects - thank goodness for the Tiana bandaid to help with all of that ... I did have to look her up, so Connor is helping bring her fame up to true Disney Princess standards ... poor LeAnne didn’t get to know that one - and therefore we don’t have a closet of her dresses! :) Yay for Kirk! Will Kaylea be moved up the vaccination list? You are all amazing and inspire me every day. Thinking of you and sending hugs and naps ... just seems you might need to grab a nap every once and a while. 💕🍀K/C/M/L


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