Dec 19

We made it to the clinic despite the snow (we didn't get nearly as much as they were forecasting!) Thursday was quiet, but everyone rescheduled for Friday. Connor had to be there both days! Friday was so busy we never got to a chair! They kept us in the intake room, and out of the way.  Luckily his blood work was okay, so after a couple hours wait, we got the injection he needed and headed out.  
Next week is back to the asperagenase leg shots on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Hopefully it won't exasperate the pancreatitis again.  In the meantime Connor is tired in the evenings, but otherwise feeling good.  This is him Friday in the intake room, on a meeting with a teacher. Working wherever he needs to!


  1. Connor is my hero - getting his work done while waiting for treatment. May you all have a restful weekend! Hope the snow is gone!❤

  2. Good to hear some positive in there. What a dedicated student, Connor - impressive! Will be thinking of you next week and hoping all goes well. Snow, snow, stay away! ❄️ 💕K/C/M/L

  3. It is just wonderful to see how he is keeping his learning such a priority! What an amazing role model


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