Jan 21

MTX is 0.12. Has to be below .01, so another night of fluids. His creatinine is holding steady at 100, and hemoglobin came up a bit, so continuing to put off transfusion. Platelets have dropped again, and ANC has dipped a bit too.
Back at the clinic tomorrow morning for blood work again.

This is Kirk and Connor getting hooked up to fluids. He has two fluids, and two pumps working simultaneously, and needs changing every 8 hours.
They did switch the Leucovorin to every six hours, so that's a bit easier. Hopefully this is the last night.


  1. Wow, this has certainly taken longer than expected. But at least he is home.

  2. Slow and steady, he is getting closer to full health by the day! 🤞❤🤞

  3. Slow and steady every day. Hope Connor is continuing to feel a little better each day - beating the exhaustion and nausea - must be nice for him to be home and in his own bed ... and for you to have him home. ox K/C/M/L


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