Jan 4, 2021- Monday

Met with Connor's oncologist today. Next phase is Interim Maintenance I. They are putting off starting until Wednesday in deference of Connor's birthday tomorrow.  The main part of the next phase is high dose of Methotrexate through IV over 24 hours. So he'll need to be admitted for that. They anticipate 3 nights in the hospital, but release is all dependant on his numbers.
This next phase is 9 weeks with same admittance every two weeks.  (Day 1, 15, 29 and 43).
Thankfully in between the admissions there aren't any scheduled clinic visits. He'll need to come in a few times for blood work, and of course he needs a COVID test before every admission. But other than that he should be home most other days.

That said, the blood work they did today actually doesn't have Connor's ANC count high enough to start the next phase. They anticipate it to come up, so we're going in Wed with the anticipation that everything will go as planned - but it's possible they may have to delay until next Monday.
Most of this really seems to be a numbers game, in which we dose Connor with a ton of things and wait for his body to stop protesting before starting again. Long term it's totally worth it.
The main (uncommon) side effect of the Methotrexate is kidney failure, and as the kidneys are needed to help flush it out of the body, we'll be watching him closely.

Tomorrow is Connor's 17th birthday 🎂, and we're happy to have him home, and not currently on meds that make him feel crappy! 
I'll update on Wednesday morning when we know how the week will go.
Thanks again to all reading and following our journey, we appreciate the support.


  1. Wow! That is a lot to absorb! He has done so well over the last 4 months and hope that continues. Not great that a hospital stay is necessary but whatever it takes to get to the cure is what has to be done. You have a great team of medical professionals guiding you and as a family you are an equally great team. Sending love and moral support from afar. ❤
    Happy Birthday Connor!🎊🎉

  2. Happy Birthday Connor! I'm glad you are home to enjoy your day🎂🍰🧁

  3. Praying that this phase goes without incident. My mom takes Methotrexate for her RA.

  4. Happy Birthday Connor. Love from Aunty Theresa and Uncle Stu

  5. Happy birthday to Connor, so happy he gets to enjoy his 17th birthday without anyone stabbing him with a needle! Hoping this next phase goes smoothly and that it brings with it good progress. D&G P.S.: did you know that we have a grandson named "Connor" who is also 17. He turned 17 on December 5th!! exactly 1 month before your Connor did. We didn't realize how close in age the two of them were. He's a BIG kid too (6' 3"), and we have a feeling they would have a lot in common with one another.

  6. “... long term it’s totally worth it” Perfectly said. Your strength and positivity are very inspirational. Thank you for that. A very Happy Birthday to Connor 🎁 🎂 🎈- I hope 2021 is one celebration after another. 🎉 Lots of love, K/C/M/L


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