Nov 27
Connor got another shot today (actually 3) administered by three nurses at the same time! So far he doesn't seem to be having any additional side effects, hopefully that continues. His hemoglobin has dropped again, so he's likely to be tired again this weekend. They'll give him two more units of blood on Monday (in addition to the spinal tap and chemo shots!) Another full day there. When they said these next 10 months were a lot, they weren't down playing it! We had a lovely dinner last night and played a home escape room game. We made the kids escape before they could have dessert! Connor played the cancer card at dinner for the first time! I can't remember what we'd even asked him to do, but out of nowhere he deadpanned, "But I have Cancer!!!" It's a good thing we can still laugh 😂 All if us were howling 🤣