Nov 16

Another long day at the clinic today. Got here at 8:30, but waited until noon for his spinal tap (lots of younger kids today, so understandably Connor was last in line). 

His Hemoglobin tanked after treatment last week, so we are starting blood transfusions today. One unit today, and at least one tomorrow. They may draw his blood more this week to keep an eye on his levels. 

This is an expected outcome of treatment, Connor has been lucky to have fairly normal blood of counts until now.  Most leukemia patients start with much lower counts.
Hopefully they rest of the appointments this week will be quicker like last week!
It's much like waiting at the airport with with "hurry up and wait" several times, but sadly no beach vacation waiting at the end 😞!


  1. Sending love and prayers for quicker treatment time. Hope transfusions will help! Love to all!❤🇨🇦

  2. ... I definitely believe this should all end with a beach vacation ... a VERY LONG beach vacation! 🏖 All your waiting, patience, optimism, and strength will be rewarded! Stay strong. 💪 Lots of love, K/C/M/L 💕


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