Nov 23rd - A little excitement today

I guess I spoke too soon.  Connor has done so well lately and I made a comment on how blessed we are.... apparently a mistake!

Connor had an allergic reaction to the PEG chemo today. He had it once before in the hospital and was fine, but this time not so much.  

He's FINE! The staff knew of the possibility and they were very clear on us to watch him for reaction.  Connor started scratching his head, and then suddenly said,  "I feel weird."  I called Anne and they immediately stopped the drip, and jumped into action.  He was surrounded by staff, his vitals were always stable, no issues with breathing, blood pressure and oxygen levels stayed fine.  No hives, despite the itching.  His face began swelling though, his top lip was twice the regular size, his ears red and double in in size and eyelids swollen.  He was nauseous, and shaking and hot to the touch.

I do not have a picture because that just isn't fair!

They pushed IV Benedryl and hydrocortisone and after some jitters he promptly fell back asleep.  He's awake now, and feeling much better.  They are going to observe him for a bit longer, give him the other chemo that doesn't have the same issues and hopefully we can head home.  

They need to replace the PEG with another chemo now - instead of one drip, the replacement needs 6 intramuscular shots.  Looks like we'll start that Wed, and then every other day for 6 more times.

So our quiet week isn't quite as quiet as we hoped, but glad the reaction wasn't as severe as it could be.  The staff are incredible and swiftly and calmly took care of him.... it wasn't until after that I realized how scary it was!  I really can't say enough good things about The Valerie Center and the staff!

Here is Connor's school pic instead of his puffy allergic one! 


  1. Scary day but grateful for good outcome. Very grateful to your medical team.
    Connor, your picture is great! ❤

  2. Well done to the whole team for staying calm in a very tense situation. Glad it is all fine now. Love the picture! Hope the rest of your week goes smoothly. D&G

  3. Scary episode, but thank God you and the staff sprang into action! Good luck with the IM shots. Handsome picture of your first-born!!

  4. Oh my ... a little bit of scare to go with your morning coffee! Cheers to the staff and hugs for the family. There is no hurdle you guys cannot/will not soar! I am in awe of your strength and calm every single day! 💕☘️K/C/M/L


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