Nov 3, 2020 - REMISSION

 Heard from Dr. Gregory already - the numbers are fantastic!!  Connor's numbers are considered in remission AND he has a negative MRD (minimal residual disease).  The remission is expected at this stage, but not everyone has the negative MRD, so this is very good news to start the day!!

We start the next phase of treatment on Monday still, starting with another spinal tap at 8:30am.  In the meantime we are enjoying a week free of meds and insulin!!


  1. Yay! Yay! Yay! Enjoy the med-free week :-)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Best news ever! May you all enjoy a week of no dietary restrictions and blood checks! Love to all💕

  4. Such wonderful news!! So happy for all of you. We are smiling here on the West Coast thinking of you guys celebrating this fabulous news. Enjoy your respite week!! D&G

  5. Yeehaw! Excellent news to start my day. So happy to hear. Enjoy your freedom this week... you can relax and watch the election! 😬😄 💕K/C/M/L

  6. What amazing news!! So happy for Connor! What a warrior knocking out this disease. Enjoy the well-deserved week

  7. Yay!!!!!!!!!!!! Wish blogspot had dancing avatars! So glad you caught this early and kicked its ass pronto!

  8. Loooove this update!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️

  9. Wonderful news!! Happy for you Connor. LY Karen & Ronnie

  10. Wonderful news Love from Aunty Theresa & Uncle Stu


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