June 7

It's been a bit of a long weekend. Chemo on Thursday had Connor pretty sick this weekend. Friday he didn't do much, but managed to keep breakfast down. Saturday he went from sleeping to puking and nothing else. Thankfully wasn't puking in his sleep, but that was the only positive. The Dr called in a prescription for ear patch, one dose of steroids, and the Marinol (canniboid). Unfortunately, the Marinol needed a pre-authorization for insurance and had to wait until today.
Spent an hour calling Dr, then pharmacy, then Dr again before it was finally approved. He's had a dose and finally feeling a bit better.
The external drain is draining again, so they postponed the removal planned for tomorrow. I was told to follow up with the surgeon, but after waiting 20 min on hold them, they had no available appointments this week, but would have his assistant call us back. They didn't.
Frustrated today. Hopefully the Marinol works like it did in the hospital and Connor can participate in his physical therapy session tomorrow.
Thankful that chemo is only every 10 days, hoping it doesn't take 9 days for him to feel better every time.


  1. So sorry for it all - the puking, the exhaustion and the frustration. Not a great weekend at all. Only positive is that Connor has a week to recover from last Thursdays's treatment. I only hope he has some good days now that meds have arrived.

  2. UGH! Just when I was hopeful a corner had been turned. Feeling very frustrated and exhausted for you - wish I had words of wisdom - guess I ain’t that wise. :) Sending a big hug for all of you. 🤗 💕K/C/M/L


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