June 25

Tonight is Connor's 18th night in the hospital this stay. He can't wait to be home. We are aiming for Monday now. They are going to work on reducing his TPN (IV nutrition) to only a 12 hr infusion. And lining up delivery of those meds, and more micafungin. Connor is scared that he'll be too much of a burden, and we're scared that he'll need more help than we can give him. But we want him home more than we are worried, and just being home has some healing properties!
I spoke with the oncologist and the endocrinologist and we feel like we have a good plan. The GI Dr did apparently suggest we add Cyproheptadine to his many medications. It's often used as an appetite stimulant, but they want to try it to see if it helps keep things moving in his digestive tract. We'll see how it works.
They forgot to order his Kytril last night, so he woke up puking early this morning, and was sleeping from the Ativan when I got there. When he woke he had some reflexology, tried ginger candy, angel mints, and some aromatherapy. He did drink a protein shake, got up to a chair and walked around the room with PT. And didn't throw up. Major progress in my mind! He got back to bed quickly and took some more Ativan, but was awake for a few hours! Hopefully we can continue these baby steps all weekend for an easy release on Monday.
I did ask my sister to stay longer to help while he's home, and she's working on making that happen. I feel way less stressed having her here!


  1. More positive news today Erin! May those baby steps lead him home on Monday! Connor will be in good hands with you, Kirk and Lisa there to help him. So glad she is able to stay on. πŸ’“

  2. Positive steps, regardless how small, all add up. Glad to hear some better news. Very nice to have your sister for help, love, and support. 🀞For Monday home.

  3. Awww... I'm so glad your sister is helping that much <3

  4. Good luck with the new med! So happy that your sister is trying to stay!! Fingers crossed it goes well and that Connor will continue his progress to take in his food. I really wish and hope that both you and Connor will have more confidence that he can manage at home soon!! Love always πŸ’•


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