June 17

Connor's numbers are up again! The WBC only slightly, but ANC is up to 780!! Very encouraging. Cardiology came yesterday afternoon and hung a monitor to see if they can figure out the tachycardia. Waiting on results.  
I've asked them to consult nephrology about the high blood pressures. Endocrinology adjusted the amount of insulin he receiving (up) both long active and correcting. I've asked why his sugars are so high with the TPN, but they say they've taken out all they can. Endocrinology has, in the past, said that he doesn't have the tendency to become diabetic, but wondering if that has changed. (Hope not).
He went down to Radiology again, and a dye study of the external drain prompted them to remove it. (Yay!) Hopefully the rest of the cyst will continue to drain internally and be done. We do need the cyst fully gone as it is still growing an enterococcus bacteria. He remains on an antibiotic and anti-fungal.
He went directly from IR to CT and they looked again for source of infection for the fever spikes. If he has one, he's hiding it well. 
Cyst is down to 3.2cm x 1.8cm. It's getting there!
He was on high flow oxygen all night, but has been back on only 3L regular cannula all morning and so far is maintaining that nicely.
He's getting another two units of platelets today. Possibly blood too.
So lots of good news, still lots of questions.
The best news (for me!) Is that my sister flys in tonight. I can't wait to see her❤️๐Ÿงก!!


  1. Thank heaven for these improvements! It's sometimes darkest for the dawn and I truly hope that they daylight continues to shine on him. And enjoy your sister's visit with all your heart. Lots of love to share between you ๐Ÿ’•

  2. Erin,your sister cannot wait to see you too!
    Thank you for a more positive update or perhaps I should say "great fighting" Connor! It's been a very tough 2 weeks! Here's to more healing, better numbers, less medication and just "feeling better"!

  3. ๐ŸŒŠ … I sense the tide is gaining momentum and beginning to turn!! Yay! So happy to hear and so happy for you all - especially Connor - good sleep and good foods are in his near future! Have a wonderful time visiting your sister - hope you share a few good belly laughs … and perhaps a glass of wine or two! :)

  4. Really happy to hear all the good news and may that continue!! Enjoy some sister time Erin.


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