May 4th

Happy Star Wars Day!
Connor was back in clinic today, but only for one chemo, and the antifungal. Unfortunately when they did the CT last week, the tech neglected to do the chest CT. There were two separate prescriptions and orders, and listed as separate appointments, and they even did the IV contrast (poking him multiple times in different places to find a vein) and then never actually did the chest CT (which is why they did IV contrast). Very frustrating. So we go back tomorrow, and in the meantime they want him to continue the antifungal at home all week. They de-accessed him today so he could shower and hot tub, and we are going to clinic first thing and they'll access his port for the IV contrast. At least he doesn't have to drink it. He does have to fast though, so I hope he isn't too nauseous. They need a pic of the lungs to rule out a fungal infection there. 
In the meantime we got the results of his Abdominal CT. He has a pseudocyst in/near the pancreas. It's basically a sac of fluid. They usually see these in chronic pancreatitis, or in heavy alcoholics. Once again Connor is an overachiever! They are waiting for the GI Drs to weigh in on what to do, but given it's size, it's likely they try to drain it. We'll know more in a couple days. The symptoms of a pseudocyst are stomach pains that moves around to back pain ✔️ nausea ✔️ vomiting ✔️. So it pretty much covers what has been going on. I did confirm that this isn't infected and not the reason for the positive fungal blood work.
We are back in clinic again on Friday for blood work and possibly a transfusion, his hemoglobin is holding steady, but his platelets have dropped considerably.
Overall he's feeling a bit better, taking it one day at time. Eating small snacks and no real meals still. And still losing weight. Another kg down this week. Hopefully we'll have a plan on how to go forward by the end of the week.
Lots going on, I'll update in a couple days when we have CT results again and a plan.

Thanks to everyone who has donated for The Big Climb. On May 15th I'm climbing 1,311 steps to raise money for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. If you'd like, you can join the team! It's of course virtual, and there are separate options for walking as well!


  1. Oh, our over achiever! So sorry another CT is needed, but 🀞 it will be better news. Definitely one day at a time. Hoping that small meals/snacks keep him from losing more weight. Love to allπŸ’•

  2. Happy Star Wars Day to you as well! :). I’m glad to hear Connor is feeling a little better ... and even when he is not at his best, he is still overachieving - that is resume-worth skills! :) Your patience is beyond resume skills and on to award-winning skills. You must be doing some great meditations. As always, sending love and healing vibes. πŸ’•K/C/M/L

  3. Wow, so much happening. I'm praying you are feeling OK with the plan. And hope draining the pseudocyst proves uneventful if they go forward with it and that it alleviates some of his symptoms! This is a crash course in medical school.....Big hugs!


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