May 26 -Back in PICU

So Connor's fever didn't go down until after bed. Gave him tylenol every 6 hours to try and bring it down. Called the Dr, and he advised we come to clinic in the morning. If it changed more, we could go straight to ER, but even admitting wouldn't likely get any tests done overnight. So he should sleep in his own bed one more night.
He woke with no fever, but had a nosebleed at 4am, swallowed blood and started throwing up again. 
(Poor Kaylea is thrilled to be woken by the sound of retching so often!)
Kirk brought him to the clinic this morning and they decided to admit him. His heart rate was accelerated so they put him straight into the PICU because the tests are ordered with more urgency in the PICU.
He's quite overwhelmed, so we have someone for him to talk to, so I hope it helps.
In the meantime, he's still nauseous, threw up trying to go to the bathroom. Diarrhea is back. And now the bag is draining rapidly again. 100ml overnight and another 50ml since this morning. They are testing the fluid again because it has changed in density and viscosity since it started.
Hopefully the nephrologist will consult with him here as well as we missed our appointment with him.  We are trying to keep the GI appointment tonight but he may actually be in the CT scanner at that time.
All the biopsies have come back negative.
So no answers yet, still more questions, but at least doing tests to get somewhere.
He's doing better than the first time he was admitted to the PICU, but he's quite obviously not healthy either.
Hoping to have him join us in the land of the living soon. He's barely been capable of existing for the past two months.


  1. I'm overwhelmed reading about all of Connor's woes!! So terrible! The one positive is the negative biopsy result. May the right meds help him feel better very soon.

  2. Wow, what a nightmare for him to be dealing with. So relieved to hear of the biopsy results though. Praying and thinking of him!!

  3. I'm so sorry this has been so much harder than anyone had hoped. Hopefully they get to the bottom of it soon so he can start feeling better. Praying for him and all of you. We're around all weekend if Kaylea needs a break.

  4. Oh dear ... not the update anyone was hoping to hear. Sending love and strength. Keep your eyes locked on the prize - a cured Connor! 💕💕K/C/M/L


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