May 22

Connor's fever came back pretty much as soon as the Tylenol wore off yesterday. It stayed fairly low grade until bedtime when he spiked to 101.5. Spoke with the oncologist who had consulted with the ER yesterday, and we discussed what was going on. There was nothing concerning to him in the blood work, which is good. The antibiotics should last about 8 hrs to kill off anything, but he suspected it was viral anyway. This may be how Connor gets a cold right now. 
We've been very lucky this year, that because we are wearing masks, none of has even had a cold!! 
It's concerning to me that CDC is advising dropping the mask mandate indoors, because the unvaccinated are choosing to not wear them too. This layer of protection for Connor is disappearing.  We hope that we aren't asymptomatic carriers!
In any case, we were given instructions to treat fever with Tylenol, or even Motrin (his platelets are high enough that it isn't a risk), as needed through the weekend. If we need to continue every 6 hours, we should call again and head back to ER. At that point it will likely be an admission.
The fever broke overnight, and he woke up cool (and slept through the night!). 
An hour after waking and eating a small meal, he's nauseous again, and fever creeping up at 99.5. He'll likely spend the day in bed/on the couch while he fights whatever is trying to get him down.
(99.5 isn't really a fever for most people, but Connor tends to run run cooler than normal (like me!), and a fever is very rare. At 17, I'm sure he's had less than 10, and all of them involved antibiotics!)
If he can keep things down, we'll give the low grade fever a chance to do its job, but otherwise will treat and monitor through the weekend.


  1. Hope very much that Connor's fever stays low and that he gets a break from all these issues soon 🙏💕🙏💕 Thinking of all of you so much!! Beata
    (And yes it is concerning that the unvaccinated are not wearing masks!!)

  2. Hope the antibiotics and Tylenol work their magic. Small meals, good sleep, and cool thoughts. ⛄️ 💕 K/C/M/L


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