May 21

Clinic day yesterday. A new round was supposed to start, but Connor's ANC was only 550. Needs to be 750 to start the new round so we try again on Monday. This next round is chemo every 10 days for 2 months, but may stretch out if his numbers drop between. This is the last phase before Maintenance. The last phase is the longest, but less drugs over longer period.
The home nurse came on Wednesday to start physical therapy. He'll have visits twice a week to build his strength and endurance. Next week we go back to the dermatologist, and will hopefully get both biopsy results.
We continue the antifungal everyday. Connor is pretty tired of having his port accessed every day.
The cyst is still draining, but slower. Only about 60ml yesterday. Running total up to 2380ml. We also follow up with the GI next week for the next steps.
His blood pressure has been consistently high the past few weeks, we attributed it to the pain and nausea but now that those have subsided, the Drs want us to see a nephrologist to figure out what's going on. We'll add that appointment next week too.
For those keeping track, appointments next week are: oncologist, dermatologist, physical therapist, Gastroenterologist, and nephrologist! Sigh... I'm exhausted, can't imagine how he's feeling. 
He's also studying for his AP Computer Science test, which thankfully is virtual this year!
On the plus side, he continues to feel better, less nauseous, less pain. The sun has been shining all week, and we've been out walking everyday!


  1. If he's getting annoyed at things, that means he has mental space that isn't occupied with weightier issues (which is good).
    Let me know if I can help with anything AP CS...

  2. What a trooper he is! You too Mom. Here's to you all having a good weekend to rest up for the extra busy week ahead.

  3. Sounds incredibly busy and exhausting - good to hear this is the last phase before maintenance! 🤞For biopsy results! Thank goodness for the nice weather for walks and so happy to hear Connor is feeling a little better and still has the desire to study! Sending energy to help with your very busy next week!! 💕K/C/M/L


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