May 17

Clinic today for blood work. Connor has been feeling better, and ad long as he doesn't let his stomach get empty or too full, then he doesn't seem to have nausea. He's drained a total of 2,150ml from the cyst so far. We follow up with the GI Dr next week.
His ANC is down, but the Dr still wants us to plan to come in and start the next phase on Thursday, she's confident his numbers will increase. 
The nurses helped change the dressing on the drain, and showed me what to do going forward. He's still on the antifungal until we get the 2 biopsy results back.
His rash is fading with the cream from the dermatologist, and the itch is going away too, so that's good. 
We went for a family walk this evening, and Connor walked 3/4 of a mile on his first go out!! It was a lovely evening, so we stopped for some ice cream before heading home. Nice to feel almost normal again!!


  1. What a more positive day and wonderful way to end the day - a walk and ice cream.

  2. Hooray for the walk and ice cream treat!!!

  3. Wow, what wonderful progress!! Praying for more of the same!

  4. Howdy! So much going on, but it all sounds like it is heading in the proper direction again! Well done on the walk - such a perfect day - perhaps the fresh air and movement (and ice cream) will help with a good nights sleep. Enjoy your normal day! 🤗 💕K/C/M/L


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