May 11

In the clinic today, lots going on. Connor seems determined to try and stump the specialists whenever he can.
Yesterday he got a rash, we thought it was hives, on his stomach, then several hours later, on his arm. They are raised, red, and a bit itchy. Connor is on a fair amount of benedryl for anti-nausea, so we added another dose and called the Drs. My concern was an allergy to the antifungal.
They took a look at it today, called in infectious disease again to consult, but didn't think it was hives. 
When they got there, Connor very offhandedly mentioned something on his leg. So they looked at that (turns out to be a lump), and immediately said -that needs to be biopsied! So we have an appointment on Thursday to see a dermatologist for both. We all gave him a bit of a hard time for not mentioning it sooner. It may possibly be the site of his fungal infection (?!)
I got a chance to speak with the radiologist regarding the procedure tomorrow. The drain will have to be in for a month, and it will very likely offer some immediate relief, but will not completely drain the pseudocyst. He will need to follow up with Dr. Sui (adult GI) and still have the endoscopic procedure to drain the rest into his stomach. 
A bit frustrating to be sure, but we ultimately want it taken care of properly.
They will send a sample of the fluids off for both fungal and bacterial infection just in case 
Today he's having the antifungal drip, chemo, and two units of blood transfused. He also had another COVID test in preparation for tomorrow's procedure.
Kirk is taking him tomorrow, but I'll update with whatever information I get.


  1. Do you all get credit towards med school for this journey? Yikes!

  2. Oh dear - tell Connor to stop being such an over-achiever! :) Deep breath, keep chugging. Lots of Love, K/C/M/LšŸ’•

  3. Wow! So very much to deal with. Cannot believe how complex Connor is, though we in fairness knew that from a very young age! Hoping for some dull moments soon. Much love to you all


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