May 10

I had a lovely, relaxing Mother's Day yesterday, and Connor rallied on Saturday to help Kirk make caramel sauce and other treats with caramel on them. Connor has felt much the same all weekend. 
We did get a call from the adult GI Dr on Saturday morning at 8am. He wanted to check in because we couldn't get an appointment and to let us know he thought there was a better procedure for Connor to have. What he does is:  go through the esophagus, and put a drain in the cyst to the stomach (where pancreas enzymes should drain anyway). However, Connor's cyst is fairly low, and is below the stomach and is unlikely to effectively drain. So he referred us to Radiology, where a radiology interventionist will put in an external drain that will drain to a bag (similar to a colostomy bag). Not ideal, as it has to stay for about a month to ensure it drains fully, doesn't fill back up, or fill with air and potentially burst. That said, it should provide some immediate relief once it's in.
Radiology called this morning and we are booked for Wednesday morning. He'll need to fast, so gonna be a rough morning, but thankful to have it done. We are in clinic tomorrow and will take care of getting blood work done and COVID test ahead of the procedure, which will be done under anesthesia.
Now waiting to hear back from physical therapy, so we can get that started too.


  1. Will hold Connor in my thoughts and prayers on Wednesday morning for the procedure! I hope it does help him feel better. Best of luck to him! Big hugs

  2. Glad to hear “Mom” was still celebrated! We are awesome! 😄 - why only one day? That sounds very hopeful for Connor - and immediate relief sounds awesome - start dreaming of favourite meals and long, uninterrupted sleeps! 💤. 💕K/C/M/L


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