April 6 Updated (3)

Connor spiked a fever this morning and is being moved to the PICU. More questions than answers right now. There is a team of 7 Drs and nurses surrounding his bed, and taking care of him. They called for oxygen, and he piped up that he was breathing fine. (He's not, it hurts to take a deep breath). They've put off the CT until they get everything else settled.
His blood pressure is too low now, and they are doing another COVID test. It still hurts to breathe, and he has the hiccoughs, it's incredibly painful. 
They hustled me out if the room and moved me to his room in the PICU, but they haven't moved him yet. It's too quiet now. 
I'll try and update throughout the day as we get answers. 

Update: He's mostly stable, in the PICU. Blood pressure has come up, he's on high flow oxygen that's warmed and moist (now his nose keeps running). They have three bags of fluids, an additional IV in addition to his port, and constant monitoring. His blood glucose is coming down but they are still correcting it with both Lantis (long acting insulin) and Humalog (fast acting). This takes the pressure off the pancreas (his Lipase has jumped to over 9k now). His kidneys are also protesting, with increasing creatinine levels so they can't do a CT with contrast right now (too hard on the kidneys). They did a chest x-ray and ultrasound though. He's on two broad spectrum antibiotics to fend off possible infection.  He's not allowed any food or drink still, just ice chips.
Unfortunately with both pancreatitis and kidney function it's a wait and see. Treat the pain and other symptoms and balance the fluids making sure to get enough, but make sure he's also excreting it so it isn't pooling elsewhere in his body (God forbid the lungs).
And so we wait. 
9:30pm Updated- Connor is resting more comfortably. Managing the pain, treating the symptoms, and he was happy to be allowed to drink water finally. He's sleeping a lot, but of course he wakes every couple hours for lab work. Kirk and I are both home to get some sleep, I update again tomorrow.


  1. Wish I had the words to make it better. Hoping for answers and relief soon. Glad he is getting the care he needs

  2. Just praying so hard for our boy and all of you. ❤

  3. Oh hope he improves very soon. 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

  4. Prayers they get this straightened out quickly. And hugs for you both.

  5. Our prayers are with you. Sending all our best healing thoughts. G&D

  6. Thinking of you all and sending every drop of strength, love, hope, and healing in the universe your way! 🍀🤞🙏 💫 💕💕K/C/M/L

  7. Prayers for Connor’s improvement very, very soon!! How scary for him and all of you. We are thinking of you and sending you all our love and strength

  8. Hope you all get some healing sleep. Hope for even better news tomorrow.❤


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