April 19

Connor had another good night, not much has changed. He's still gassy and uncomfortable, but otherwise feeling so much better. The oncologist came in today, and has concerns that it has been three weeks since his last chemo. So we are going to start the new round tomorrow. It will start with a spinal tap so he'll be fasting after midnight tonight. This treatment needs a 24 hydration, but Connor was very against another night afterwards, so he'll be discharged tomorrow with home hydration and back in the clinic on Wednesday. It's a compromise, but one we can live with. He will no longer have aspargase in any form.
We did find out today that he was so bloated in the ICU that he gained 8 kg (~17lbs), and promptly lost 11kg (~24lbs) in about 36 hours once he got up and started walking two days ago. Talk about water weight!!


  1. Oh wow! Huge news! Yes, talk about water gain! Sorry but not sorry about chemo. I know treatment needs to continue and glad it will only be one more night in hospital. Connor, you are one heck of a fighter and going home will be a much better place to deal with everything. Many thanks to your incredible care team and love to my NJ family! You all rock!❤

  2. Connor is a very tough and determined young man - as is the entire family. Glad Connor is well enough to continue with his treatments. I trust the recovery will speed along once he is home, in his own surroundings and his own bed. Fingers crossed for a good sleep tonight to be ready for tomorrow.

  3. Wow! I'm so happy he's going home much as Connor has to deal with the chemo again - he has to move through it to get to the other side. Crazy about the water weight - so glad he is up and walking. Thinking of you all so much!!


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