April 13

Connor got some sleep last night!! He sounded much better when I came in this morning, and had some fruit smoothie for breakfast.
He spiked a fever again last night, they anticipate this happening several times in the next couple of days. He needs to work hard on respiratory therapy, expanding his lungs, using the incentive spirometer, and sitting in a chair or standing.
As he expands his lungs, it will help get him stronger.
They anticipate him staying on insulin as well, as his body is still traumatized and not working on it's own properly.
They continue to run new and somewhat scary (for us) tests, but it is just to monitor everything. There is still infection, they are adding back in another antibiotic, they continue to treat with an antifungal as well. They also continue to take blood cultures, as well as testing his urine output. 
He is still very sick, and will unlikely leave the ICU this week.
Still more steps forward than back, but it's going to be another long week.


  1. Any step forward is a great step! With the awesome care that Connor is getting, the praying and cheering from the sidelines and his hard work in helping his body recover, may those steps to get out of ICU come soon. Sending love from the peanut gallery where we are loud with cheering!❤

  2. Yay for sleep, and for food! Praying the mystery infection goes away soon.

  3. YAY for sleep!! :) Small steps add up and Connor will be home soon - in his own bed! Thoughts and prayers are with you. 🙏💕K/C/M/L

  4. Keep moving forward Connor!! Good sleep can make all the difference in the world!


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