April 11

Yesterday afternoon Connor developed a rash, and his upper thigh became numb. They consulted the attending, resident, oncologist, infectious disease, and neurologist. They believe they are two separate things, that coincidentally happened at the same time. The rash is believed to be an allergic reaction to the antibiotic, or antifungal. They stopped both and switched to different ones. He did spike a fever briefly again yesterday evening, so for overnight they put him back on the BiPap to try and make the breathing easier and let him relax and sleep. He got a couple of hours.
The new meds seem to be okay, his numbers on paper still look good, and he was net negative 2 litres again yesterday. So his overall fluid hoarding is down to about 4 litres. Hopefully this trend continues. He has no pain, but is still a little uncomfortable because of the bloating.
They had put him back on the high flow machine before I came in today, and he transitioned much quicker today off the BiPap, so they don't anticipate him going back on it at all. They will slowly start to reduce some of the flow to see how he tolerates less oxygen.
He did say to me today, if it weren't for breathing I feel well enough to go home. I'm glad he feels that way, but as they still aren't allowing him to eat, and only sips of water and ice chips again today, I think it'll be a while yet.
Given the fever yesterday, they still want to do a CT to try and get some answers, see if they can find an infection, and confirm the pancreas is doing okay. I think it's being scheduled for tomorrow. 
As for the numb thigh I mentioned, the neurologist seems to think it's "calvin klein syndrome" (there is of course a technical name, but I forgot it as soon as the Dr said it!) It's a slight pinched nerve at the waist (people get from wearing underwear too tight), but because of the angle Connor sits at, and the increased pressure from the bloating, they think this is what happened.
Overall positive news, he's talking and engaged more every day now, but still a ways to go. Hopefully today won't bring anything new!


  1. At a different time “Calvin Klein syndrome” would be worth a chuckle, but I’m thinking “enough universe!” Very glad to hear everything is still moving in the right direction ... and hope that today brings NOTHING new! Wishing Connor continued bathroom breaks and long, healing sleeps. 💕K/C/M/L


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