March 2

Connor had a decent night, but woke up feeling sick. He threw up before I got there this morning. They gave him Ativan again, and he promptly fell asleep. For the whole day!! He woke once and said he was going to do some work, I managed to catch his computer before it fell off the bed when he fell asleep again!
The took labs at 2pm for 24 hours, just got the number at 8pm. It's 75.8, which is the highest 24 hour number so far, but still under the target of 100. They are starting Leucovorin early, so hopefully that will help. His creatinine is still good at .69, so his kidneys are doing their job.
In other news, Kirk got an email from the state that he is eligible for a vaccine, and I managed to get him an appointment for his first shot on Saturday. Being an early riser paid off to catch the appointment when it opened at 6am! 2nd shot is March 27. Johnson & Johnson was approved for the US, and the clinic is working to get doses for their patients. 
I'll update numbers tomorrow when I have them.


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