Mar 9

Quick clinic visit for blood work today.  Connor's numbers look pretty good. His hemoglobin is a little low, so they want us back next week for another check. 
We start the next phase on the 22nd.

This is called Delayed Intensification and has two parts. The first is 4 weeks, starting with a spinal tap and two additional IV injections of Doxorubicin and Vincristine. The injections will be repeated for 3 consecutive Mondays.  He'll start Dexamethasone (DEX) that same day for 7 days, then off for 7, and on for 7. This is a steroid, so we'll be back checking Connor's blood glucose to make sure he's not too high again.  Two days later he'll have the aspargase injections. 6 leg injections, wed, Fri, mon, wed, Fri, mon.
So lots of clinic visits.
I anticipate Mondays and Wednesdays to be crazy long at the clinic, so I'm going to add some days to the Meal Train if anyone is so inclined to assist.

A huge thank you to all who have sent things to the Valerie Center off the wish lists!! They were so appreciative this morning, and excited to receive new toys!! 


  1. So happy to hear that Connor's numbers are good. The next phase sure sounds complicated - crazy long days for all, but hopefully no hospital stays. Sending love💕

  2. Sounds very intensive, but hopefully getting over this hurdle will bring lots of peace of mind! I'm rooting for him to keep his positive attitude through all this! Big hugs

  3. Hello All. This sounds like no fun at all! Ugh! But you will be so busy, it will all be over before you know it. Is aspargase what gave Connor trouble in the last phase? It sounds familiar, but I can’t seem to scroll down to reread earlier entries - I’m tech useless. Either way, Connor will just have to kick it’s A, as he has been doing all along. Sending hugs and strength! Lots of Love, K/C/M/L

    1. Yes, he can't have PEGaspargase, so this is the alternative. The PEG is only one IV infusion, but the alternative is the 6 shots - so a bit unfortunate, but at least he doesn't swell up and get hives! The PEG is also in the Pfizer and Modera vaccines so that's why it's recommended that he get the J&J one. It's arrived in NJ so hopefully we'll find an appointment for him soon!


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