Mar 31

Connor had 3rd of 6 leg shots today. He has a bit of bone aches as he's coming off the steroids, but not too much. He's in much better spirits yesterday and today. I think he has a bit of "'roid rage" this phase.  Mentioned it at the clinic today and Connor laughed and said "I never put it together that 'roid meant steroids, I thought it meant hemorrhoids!"


  1. 😄 The things we learn! I had never thought of roid rage from steroids with a medical purpose (vs just building muscle). I guess I never clued in they were similar steroids. Demonstrating my strong biology background. 🙄Glad to hear Connor’s mood has improved. Hopefully the EB🐰 is watching and stocking his basket accordingly. Have a wonderful Easter weekend. Take care. 💕K/C/M/L

  2. Hemmoroids/steroids - "let's call the whole thing off"!! (Old song). Good thing that sense of humour is alive and well! Easter weekend ahead! Hope weather is good!


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