Mar 23

Connor started Delayed Intensification yesterday. He had a spinal tap, followed by two additional chemos, and started taking oral steroids again. Our hope is that because he's only on for a week, his blood glucose won't be a concern, but he started testing after dinner last night and it was pretty high. He will test his blood before every meal and two hours after for the rest of the week. Hoping we can keep him off insulin, but not sure.
The doctor did warn us that this steroid often causes some severe bone pains. Either as it ends, or when it does. (Perhaps because they don't taper?) In any case they warned Connor not to be surprised.
They aren't starting the leg shots until Friday, but hopefully should be fairly quick appointments. They had us sign to accept new protocols for the study, which now say they can inject through the port instead of the simultaneous leg shots, HOWEVER, because he started on the shots he has to continue. The doctors apologized for basically rubbing salt in the wounds!! Oh well! We are happy to hear the study is progressing and hope it helps others!
Still waiting for Connor to hear about a vaccine. Hopefully we'll get a call this week. I think tracking down the J&J is taking longer than they thought.
Kirk gets his second one on Saturday, and he'll be "fully vaccinated" by the time I get mine on April 9th.
Kaylea's school has announced that the hybrid students will be going back 5 days a week after Spring break on April 12. She'll still have a shorter day, ending at noon and still no eating at school. She is still thrilled!
The sun has been out more this week and it's getting warmer in NJ. We have a couple patio heaters outside now, so I had a friend over on the weekend to share lunch. We've eaten dinner outside quite comfortably as long as the wind doesn't pick up too much! Happy to be out!
Looking forward to finding a new balance of doing more, still safely.
A continued Thank you to all who donate, cook, and leave comments. Knowing we aren't alone in this fight is more helpful than you know!!


  1. Wow - yep, just wow! So much you have all had to learn and with a pandemic on your back-burner! Sounds good? Idk ... is a warning of severe bone pain good? At least Connor is prepared and it is making him better. 🍀 I will have to get my scaredy cat butt (traffic) over to NJ when all is well to see and hug you all! Yay for vaccines for you and Kirk (and hopefully, Connor) ... as you know, we be like “what vaccines?” Yay for Kaylea to get some regular school time. And YAY for the warmer weather! ☀️ Enjoy. Lots of Love, K/C/M/L 💕

  2. Wow, quite a lot of updates! Really wishing Connor the best and praying for not much pain! Deep breaths. So glad you are having lovely patio time. And yes, more school in person for Kaylea will be great. Looking forward to that for her & all the kids. Love always 💕


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