Feb 6 - Updated

His MTX is exactly 0.1, and because it's supposed to be under, they are doing another draw at 1pm. Two pieces of great news: First, the hospital is finally testing in house so we should no longer wait 5 hours for the results. Second, he's going home!!! 

If the MTX is below 0.1 then he goes home unencumbered. If it stays at 0.1, then he needs to continue Leucovorin every six hours, likely until Monday when we can come back to the clinic for additional testing.
Either way they agree that no additional hydration is needed, he just has to keep up drinking water! 
Very pleased to have only stayed one additional day this time, and as we have another storm coming tomorrow, glad we can hunker down, maybe watch the super bowl, and just have the family together. Right now they are only calling for 6"-8" but heavy snowfall of 2"/hr during the day! 
Updated - we are home. Surprisingly his MTX actually went UP! It was 0.11 so he's on Leucovorin every six hours, and just keeping up with water drinking! All is good!


  1. Going home is great news! So glad that Connor is responding to this 2nd treatment in this phase better than last time! Home before the next storm and time to rest and watch tv - oh and enjoy good snacks!💕

  2. Excellent news - so very happy to hear! Enjoy some peaceful family time, movies, and snacks ... and the Super Bowl.🏈


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