Feb 5 - updated

We have no new information. They drew blood at 6pm, but we don't have results yet.
Kirk spent the day with Connor, he's feeling okay. He got a new anti-nausea patch and he said that's helping. 
He had a nosebleed today, it lasted a bit longer than normal but it clot on it's own so they aren't too concerned. Given how dry and cold it's been, this isn't unusual for Connor.
If I get info tonight, I'll update, but I'm not really expecting it.

Update MTX is 0.18, so they are going to do another test tomorrow morning to see if he can go home tomorrow. Hemoglobin and Platelets are all looking good, as is creatinine!
Much more positive, even if still a bit delayed from ideal.


  1. I am reading this on Sat morning and have my 🤞 that numbers are good for going home. Would be good to be home before the next storm. Sorry about the nose bleed Connor. Not fun!


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