Feb 15

Connor was admitted again for next round of high dose Methotrexate (MTX). Kirk took him today, and because of a pending ice storm, I didn't go visit this evening.
His numbers were good this morning, so they started with a spinal tap and dose of regular methotrexate. He's back in the same room he's had every time this round and they started the infusion at about 6pm. Before that they were hydrating and getting the pH in his urine corrected.
He was a bit nauseous this afternoon, but not too much. Hopefully they can keep it at bay.
They are keeping the dose at 75% and increased hydration again in hopes that this time he can clear it on time in the 48 hours (with discharge at 72 hours).
Fingers crossed!


  1. Fingers crossed for the 3rd round to be even better than the 2nd round! 🤞🍀 ... also hoping your ice storm misses you ❄️ 💕


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