Dec 24

Merry Christmas 🎄
We opened our gifts this morning, in anticipation of Connor bring in the hospital tomorrow. Fairly quiet week. Connor started the asperagenase leg shots on Monday again. His hemoglobin was fairly stable this week, but he needed platelets on Wed, so Kirk and Connor had a longer day. I stayed home to prep our turkey for Christmas Eve dinner.
We had a great dinner, played Pandemic (very 2020 of us!). And we've had a great "Christmas" morning!
Our tradition is to stay in our jammies and eat leftovers for dinner!!


  1. So today is your "Boxing Day"! No shopping necessary! Connor, hope your hospital stay is short. Love to my fantastic family!

  2. Sounds like a wonderful day - I especially like (and follow) your jammie day. Merry Christmas McDermids. 🎄💕K/C/M/L

  3. What a handsome looking group. Well Done you four! I especially loved the t-shirts. Here's hoping for a good 2021 for all of you. D&G


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