Oct 4, 2020

When I arrived at the hospital this morning, Connor was sleeping peacefully. He woke feeling much better, and acting like himself. He couldn't wait to get out of bed, and out of the hospital gown! I'm so happy to see him in good spirits!
Today is a day of fluids and monitoring, and some maintenance meds that he'll continue at home (Prednisone, acid reflux meds etc).
If he continues to feel good, and vitals look good he'll be home sooner rather than later. (Hopefully Tuesday!) After that he'll continue chemo treatments on Friday as an out patient for the next 3 weeks.
Thank you all for your continued prayers, good thoughts, comments and love. Helps us to not feel alone in all of this!

Dinner and a movie! Not too traditional, but making the best of it


  1. Best gift ever to see Connor out of that bed and looking like himself! 🤗💕

  2. Great news to hear he is feeling good. Yeah!! out of that hospital gown, no style with them ☺️

  3. Still waiting for a game of Starcraft or two... although Connor will need to figure out how to voice chat while we play...

    1. I know I'm not too great at starcraft, but if anyone needs a handicap... I'm in

  4. Such great pics and news! Hope the side effects continue to be minimal and he can get home soon.

  5. Such great news that he us tolerating the medication. Hoping he is home Tuesday!

  6. So glad to hear he is feeling more himself. Hope for an early discharge.

  7. So grateful for the updates and the pictures! It's so nice to see you all finding your balance, and for Connor to be in good spirits and acting like a kid. Advocating for himself is an important life lesson for sure too. Sending you all much love!

  8. So happy to hear Connor is doing well and is feeling strong. How many young men worry about being a pain - must have great parents! Also glad to hear you and Kirk are getting some sleep and the day with Kaylea sounds awesome - a much needed oasis. Lots of love from all of us. K/C/M/L

  9. So sorry to hear about Connor being sick. Our thoughts and prayers are with all of you. He’s certainly a very upbeat young man. Wish we could do something to help. Sending hugs and love.
    Aunty Theresa & Uncle Stu

  10. Looking good! Thank you for sharing his journey with us.


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