Oct 23rd

Thankfully this week was uneventful! Connor was feeling good, his blood sugar numbers are hovering at a normal 100, and he seems to bounce back from the weekly chemo pretty well. He's usually tired on the weekend, but starts feeling a bit better as the week goes on. I expect this week to be more of the same. 
Spoke to the staff today and his last dose of Prednisone will be Friday evening next week. He'll have a spinal tap and bone marrow draw first thing in the morning. (Which means we are there at 8:30, he'll have not eaten, and they'll take him in about 10! ) Definitely taking lunch with us next week. 
We have a week off after that. We have to wait for his results come in from the bone marrow test and spinal tap before they set the schedule for the next phase. Hopefully have those on Tuesday.  We are looking for MRD (minimal residual disease) of less than 0.01, meaning he's in remission and the chemo is working.  I'm sure we'll meet with Dr. Gregory that week to find out the treatment scheduled for the next phase then.

On another note:  For those family and friends in Canada, I'm working with the Valerie Fund to find out about donations coming from Canada. Hopefully I'll have info next week.

Thank you all who reach out and check on us. So appreciated!🧡


  1. Praying for minimal residual disease and so glad to hear that the sugar levels are even!

  2. Praying for Connor to have MRD and be on his way to full healing. Your family is in our daily prayers.

  3. So glad he is bouncing back. So important to have normalcy 🤗


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