Oct 2, 2020 - updated

 Connor is scheduled for surgery at noon, so we head to the hospital at 10am this morning.  They are putting in the central line port for administering the chemo.  While he is under they are doing another spinal tip as well as giving him a dose of something through the spine.  We have a list of about 8 meds that he's going to be on, they all have long scary names with even scarier side effects - but hopefully they do what they are supposed to. 

This first phase is called Induction. It's 4 weeks, starting with a week-long hospital stay to monitor reactions. At the end of this phase we hope to have bone marrow test for flow symmetry less than 1% and MRD (minimal residual disease) at less than 0.01% (also referred to as remission).

The 2nd 8 week phase is Consolidation.  

Connor is good spirits, joking and laughing and sharing memes with me. He's told his friends now, I think it's starting to sink in. He's been in with us for every meeting with the doctor and asked intelligent, informed questions. I couldn't be prouder, even though I wish he didn't have to go through this. I have every confidence that all of us will come through it stronger than before!

Huge thank you to our friends for dropping off snacks, dinners, books and care packages! Couldn't do this without all of you!

UPDATE: Connor is admitted, he's in South wing of Goryeb Children's Center. Thankful that they will allow both parents to visit, and one can stay overnight.  They've decided to hold off on starting the chemo tonight and will start in the morning. His chest is a bit sore where the port is, but otherwise he's doing great. Eating some dinner and feeling a bit more human.

The room is a single, and has an Xbox 1 in it.  There is a bed for me too. 

Hopefully we can both sleep tonight!!


  1. I'm sure Connor will be keeping the docs on their toes with his questions ;)
    XOXO <3

  2. So proud of all of you! This family sticks together! Love to all.❤❤❤❤

  3. Hope all went well today and that Connor (and the family) are resting and recovering comfortably, peacefully, and quickly! Thank you for the updates and love and hugs to all of you. 💕K/C/M/L


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