Oct 18

Enjoyed a wonderful Thanksgiving dinner last night. I spent the morning walking 12 miles around the Randolph trails with friends (to be fair we stopped for breakfast at 6 miles!) 

Connor spent a good part of the afternoon calculating carbs and serving sizes, and managed his insulin perfectly. 
We dry brined the turkey this year, on the advice of my talented sister-in-law, which was very good. Very moist, with crispy skin. For anyone interested, Dry Brined Turkey

Here we are dressed in what I call "zoom ready'" dress code. Looks great for a picture at the table, but we're also wearing pajama bottoms!! 
After dinner we had a family game and then a hot tub. Altogether a lovely evening!

No appointments, or cancer stuff happening until Friday when we go back for chemo. Two more rounds for the induction phase. This round doesn't seem to affecting Connor too much. He hasn't felt sick, and other than being tired, very few symptoms at all, thank goodness. Not entirely sure of what's coming next, as the exact schedule is determined based on his spinal tap and bone marrow test at the end of the month. We'll all be glad when he's off the Prednisone, and can hopefully be off insulin as well.

Don't be surprised if I don't update this week, no news is still good news!


  1. LOVED the zoom-ready dress code bit and so glad everything going well and sorta back to normal day-to-day stuff for you all. XO

  2. Happy Thanksgiving !!! Great photo. D&G

  3. So happy to hear all this positive news. I will hope to hear nothing this week - as you all enjoy a week of normalcy! A very Happy Thanksgiving to you all!! 🦃 🇨🇦

  4. Great picture! Great dinner and congrats to Connor for figuring out right amount of insulin. Isn't that why we take Math in school? Making it work in our reality! Happy weekend McDermids❤

  5. Great pic. Happy Canada Thanksgiving! LY K&R

  6. What a wonderful update! Connor looks especially handsome! So glad you had a lovely Thanksgiving.


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