Oct 10, 2020

So blood sugars haven't come down sufficiently so they are starting him on a fast acting insulin as well as the 24 hour one. Learning to count carb numbers to dose properly. 
Of course this means another night of watching him, and no going home. 
Otherwise, Connor feels fine. I'm pissing him off (as only a Mum can!) And we are beginning to snap at each other and rolling our eyes (channelling our inner Kaylea!)
Yet another prescription has been called in, we are on a first name basis with our pharmacist (Dar at Live Well Pharmacy is amazing!), And the pills and daily regime are starting to get bigger.

I did forget the good news - heard last night that his chromosome 4 and 10 numbers were up, which is an excellent sign that the chemo is doing what it is supposed to. This is just another bump in the road. 


  1. As other people have commented, you seem to be in really good hands with this care team. Great news about the chromosome numbers :) XOXO

  2. Oh Connor, so sorry you are not going home to put some more space between you and whoever is ticking you off! Or is it the other way around Erin🙄? Still not Canadian Thanksgiving yet - 🤞crossed you will be home for turkey! ❤❤
    Thanks for the good news! We'll dine out on that tonight at Trisha's!

  3. I hadn’t scrolled and missed the good news ... so glad to catch it on my reread! Bummer about the extra night stay, but excellent news about the chemo!! ☘️

  4. You are truly astounding with this positive attitude! As my best friend's mother used to always say, "it's just a lump in the oatmeal." You know where to find me if I can be helpful in any way!

  5. Hoping his numbers look better today and he can be home for Canadian Thanksgiving tomorrow!! I'm also praying the insulin works really well. The pills just mean they are watching everything so carefully and are on top of things. Thankfully you have a wonderful team including your pharmacist. And congratulations to him on the chromosome results - that may be the most important thing to hear, that the chemo is working. Much love to him and all of you. It's so awesome that you're appreciating everyone's quirks including the eye rolls!! LOL That's why your family is such a great team, in addition to your "outside" team of healthcare heroes. Much to be proud of in your laying the foundation of being able to handle this so courageously.


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