April 5

Connor got a bit of pain relief after the 6pm oxy yesterday. Enough to join us for dinner and play a round of Uno Flip afterwards. We kept up the oxy every 6 hours, but he woke at 5 in extreme pain. He waited until 6 and woke me to take more meds. He was covered in sweat from the pain.
We dosed him again, and tried to get him some food and headed into the clinic. We didn't start the steroids until we talked to the doctor. We did test his blood and it was over 200, without eating.
They gave him a couple doses of Delotid, and he was still very uncomfortable. They did blood work, but decided to admit him even before they got the results back.
His Lipase (indication of pancreas function) was high on Sunday. (Normal is 73-343, Sunday it was 642.) Now it is over 6,000. 
He's now in a room, and they are doing their best to get his pain down. His blood pressure is also alarmingly high, but they aren't sure if that's the pain. So they are calling in all the experts tomorrow. 
Endocrinologist will consult about the high sugar, they will try and do CT with contrast tomorrow (he was puking today, so they are holding off), and if blood pressure doesn't come down they will check his kidney function and possibly treat with drugs.
Lots of unknowns as we isolate what's happening. In the meantime all treatment as been halted.
Just hoping he has a comfortable night.


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