April 20

Sitting and waiting to be discharged!!! Going home and getting fluids hooked right back up again, but at least he can sleep in his own bed. We don't have to be at clinic until 10:30 tomorrow, so hopefully he can sleep 💤!!
It's been a long 15 days. Connor is down another 5kg, (~11lbs) from yesterday. But he is finally starting to feel better, and feel human. He is going home on a multitude of meds, with more being administered the rest of the week in the clinic by IV. 
One of the test results came back positive, so they have some concerns about stopping the antifungal too soon, but it's not a med he can take orally because it counteracts with one of the chemos. They are re-running the test, but it takes a few days for results. There is s possibility of readmission if it's positive again. It will mean new tests and scans to find the ongoing problem. We are keeping our fingers crossed that he was positive a couple days ago, and now negative.
Signing off to get home in time for a family dinner, with ALL of us there!


  1. That will be a Thanksgiving dinner for sure! 👍🎉💕

  2. Yay, yay, yay!! 🙏 Home again, home again. We will send up a toast during dinner to Connor! 🥂 Hope he has a wonderful sleep in his own room. 😴


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