Feb 4 - 3rd update

 5:30 last night was 24 hours after MTX started, and his numbers needed to be under 120.  He was 60.69.  Lower than last time of 66, but no idea if this an indication of the next numbers or not.  They'll draw before noon at hour 42 for another level.  That one needs to be under 1.  His creatinine has gone up to 1.1, but at this time it's not a cause for concern.  It's lower than last time, so that's positive.  We have not yet started Leucovorin.

He's definitely not feeling as well this time.  He has both a lack of hunger and slight nausea.  He's wearing a ear patch to help, as well as regular doses of zofran, so hopefully it holds the puking at bay.  He's able to enjoy smoothies so we've been bringing those in so he has something. (Not that he's getting any exercise beyond walking the 10 steps to the bathroom every hour!)

He and I have been playing card games: cribbage, uno flip, and monopoly deal.  One of the members of the child services team Kristen, has let Connor beat her at monopoly deal 3 time now!  (seriously he's evil and lucky at this one!)

Still just hoping that he's much closer to the 72 hour stay and much less than 9 days!!

Here's a quick video from yesterday of his pumps beeping asynchronously! Every time Connor gets up to pee, this happens!

Update: 42 hour creatinine is back to 1, so an excellent sign! 

Update 2- His 42 hr MTX is 1.34

Last time his 42 hr MTX was 9, so this is much better! His 48 hr MTX needs to be below 0.4, but if he doesn't make that, then it needs to be below 0.1 to leave. Fingers crossed everyone!!!

3rd update- 48 hour MTX is .87 and creatinine is up slightly to 1.1

He won't be going home tomorrow, but things are looking better than last time. His goal now is under 0.1.



  1. That "bleeping" beeping would drive anyone nuts! Hang in there Connor- so far the numbers are looking better than your last stay! 💕

  2. How do they distinguish one beep from the other? I bet they don’t have the radio on during the drive home. I’m betting on no puking and ousted in 3 days. 🍀🤞💕

  3. Those pumps are a nightmare!! Holy cow!! Crossing fingers, toes, and everything else for Connor 🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞


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