Oct 5, 2020

Sorry for the delay today. It's Kaylea's actual birthday and just lots going on.
Met with doctor and nurse practitioner today. They are giving more meds tomorrow and want to continue to watch his WBC (white blood cells) so they'd like to keep him in until Friday. 
Friday he'll have another spinal tap and another round of chemo and then if everything looks okay he'll be discharged that afternoon.
Headaches are still coming with the steroids, so we are working on that while he's in the hospital as we are limited to the pain meds we can give him at home. It's also raising his blood pressure, which doesn't help. The other side effect is hot flushes... (I told him he was joining me in menopause!).... So thankful he's not sick, but working on being more comfortable.
The nurse practitioner went over the calendar for the month with daily doses of meds, and other prescriptions we need to keep track of. So far I have a list of 7, with more to come!  


  1. Thinking of you guys. Hugs to Connor. Love Uncle Ronnie & Aunt Karen

  2. Thanks for the update on such a busy day for all! Headaches and hot flashes- so nasty! Thinking of you Connor and hoping that they can get that under control❤

  3. Happy Birthday Kailey 😊
    Hang tough Connor we are rooting for you❤️❤️❤️

  4. Hugs to you all from your extended family on Vancouver Island. We are following your blog now and sending our prayers for Connor that his journey goes smoothly and that some of these early challenges resolve soon. Much love from Dan and Gail and all our family here.


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