Oct 13,2020

So far, today is just a regular day! Yay!!! Connor did some school work, Kirk and Kaylea both did school work, and I worked on the piles of laundry from last week.
Connor's blood sugar is a bit lower today, but it always seems higher in the afternoon so we'll see how it progresses. Connor is not feeling so tired even though we wake him every 4 hours at night. He's up to 900 steps a day instead of 100 last week while tethered to an IV pole!

Otherwise, nothing to report.  Nothing makes me happier!!


  1. No bad news is definitely good news! Here's to a more normal day! Love to all!❣

  2. Normal never sounded so good! Connor not so tired, but how are the parents doing? :) That’s a big increase in steps - excellent! - keep it up. Good luck to all with the never ending school work ... and laundry! :)💕💕K/C/M/L

  3. Normal rocks!! Go Connor, getting those steps in!


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